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Willie ~ October 29, 2023
Willie (aka Dallas) was a member of our family for ~11 years and best buds with our grandson, now 14, until the end. He was a Great Boy and will dearly missed!
~ Adopted, Loved and Greatly missed by the Newhouse family

Miss Ellie ~ July 24, 2023
Today I said goodbye to my sweet Ellie. My heart, my sunshine and my constant companion. She lived 13 years and 1 day, succombing to spleen cancer for which she was diagnosed just 9 days ago.
And she was mine for 1 year and 2 days. We were told that she lived most of her life with a woman who developed dementia and could no longer care for her. She was then adopted by a family with other dogs which didn't go over so well with the old girl.
We found her at the Almost Heaven Golden Retriever Rescue and fell in love. Her bio said "hurry" and that's what we did, leaving the next day to get our big, white faced, beautiful girl.
From the first time she hopped in the car, she hung out on the armrest with her butt on the back seat, and made this her perch for every ride. We quickly realized she LOVED to eat. Food, yes, but also ice cubes by the tray full. She discovered the sunroof and let her ears flap in the wind most days, to the great delight of everyone we passed.
After a few months she started to play with toys and we realized these may have been her first. Lauren discovered she could speak on command. She was a gentle giant with a quiet, beautiful spirit.
I wasn't ready to say goodbye and foolishly thought I would have her for 10 more years. How I miss her already. My shadow is no longer there.
I loved you, Ellie Bellie. Thank you for letting us be your retirement home.
~ Adopted, Loved and Dearly Missed by Julie & Family |

Buddy ~ July 10, 2023
Buddy's favorite spot was basking under the pine by the pool. We loved him SO MUCH and are grieving him, especially his play buddy Steffi. We miss more him more than words can express.
~ Adopted, Loved and Greatly Missed
by the Novaes family |

Cooper ~ September 27, 2022
Cooper was unbelievable...a handsome fellow with such a great personality. We shared a really great ten years together and we're happy to have him in our lives. Cooper was a really great dog and is so missed by our family.
~ Adopted, Loved and Dearly Missed by the Dickman family |

Beamer ~ August 1, 2022
We could not have asked for a better boy than Beamer (formerly Boomer) ~ He was perfect and so very loved. We miss him so much and can't imagine waking up tomorrow without him. We are Thankful we were given the opportunity to love him.
~ Adopted, Loved and Dearly Missed by the Panian family |

Madison aka "Maddy" ~ June 2022
Sweet Madison enjoyed the sunshine and her daily walk with her granddad (her favorite thing). She was was loved her most for 12 wonderful years and will be dearly missed.
~ Adopted and Forever Loved by Richard and Patricia Z. |

Rylie ~ June 15, 2022
Rylie was an incredible and beautiful golden
on the outside and the inside!
We were best buds ~ we hiked, biked, camped, paddle boarded, kayaked, did some agility and treiball. She was so sweet and loved car rides and all people, her joy was contagious! She was also a therapy dog.
~ Greatly Loved and Missed by Christine |

Harys (Harry for 'short') ~ June 10, 2022
My heart has a huge void in it as she was with me for SO long! Harys was a SUPER wonderful girl! She loved life and everyone around her! She and Truman, my other male golden, were the best of friends and we mourned together when he passed in 2015 at the ripe old age of just over 15.
Harry LOVED the beach ~ snow ~ a ball ~ And a little electric hamster that repeated anything she said back to her with her barking at this little toy and it barking back at her was indeed a very humorous thing to witness. (Oh, and socks. Yep...she managed to grab and swallow a sock one time, ending up in surgery at the ripe old age of 11).


Before going to Rainbow Bridge, Harry went on one more trip to her favorite local places. She got to play in a creek for hours and took a trip to her favorite park near us where she could just stick her nose in the air and smell the familiarity of a place that used to be such a big part of our lives when Truman was still alive. She had a wonderful life, was WELL loved and taken care of, and I miss her like crazy. |

~ Deeply Loved and Missed by Libby

Lexi ~ June 10, 2022
Lexi was a wonderful girl...always there for you, anxious to see you when you got home, always near where you were, and friendly to everyone including other dogs. She was the sweetest dog. We never heard her growl. Lexi would like to pull when she was on the leash, but, when our grandchildren walked her at ages five and six, she seemed to know that she shouldn't pull and never did. She loved to lay in front of the fireplace.
Lexi was our smallest Golden and, thankfully, one of the longest lived. She is our ninth Golden Retriever and only two others lived to be 13 as she did. She loved to be with Casey, our other Golden, and they were always together and good friends.
Lexi had a special place in our hearts...and will forever!
~ Greatly loved and missed by Barb, Jim, and Michael |

Teddy Bear ~ June 10, 2022
Teddy (and Panda) came to us when their owner passed away. They were big, aloof, hairy, and a challenge....their Great Pyr DNA was obvious. Over the years, they settled in with us...loved their big soft beds...loved being inside much more than outdoors...loved their treats...and we loved them. Teddy tolerated being petted and caressed...Panda never did.
We miss them both...they were a big part of this rescue for a very long time. Run free dear Bears......
~ Love and missed by Carol |

Benji ~ February 18, 2022
Benji was an onery little fellow. One of his favorite pastimes was biting feet, which he did manage to grab a couple of times. He and his quirks will be missed. Like all our rescues he holds a special place in my heart. Run free little fellow....
~ Loved and Missed by Carol
Bo ~ January 14, 2022
We are thankful our precious Bo was brought into our lives.
He lived a wonderful life with us for the last 5 years. He was an excellent companion and will be greatly missed.
~ Adopted, Loved and Dearly missed by the Candelaria Family |
Laddie ~ October 31, 2021
Laddie was the most amazing friend I've ever had the honor to having and will treasure every moment spent with him. His love radiated every inch of this earth like the sun. We had many wonderful years together spending time playing, taking walks and he even joined me at work several days of the week. Our bond was something that felt like it always was and always would be, it was simply meant to be.
Laddie you are so missed everyday and I look forward to the day I meet you again in heaven because you are getting the biggest hug and I'm never letting go. I love you beyond what words could ever describe. Until we meet again my sweet baby boy enjoy the rainbow bridge and please wait for me there.
~ Adopted, Loved and
Dearly Missed by Ryan

Linus ~ March 27, 2021
Linus, it was a long, heartbreaking ride home and ...
it is a very sad and empty house without you here at home with us.
~ Adopted, Loved and
Greatly Missed by Charlie and Jan

Angel ~ December 27, 2021
Angel loved the snow and loved to dig in my flower gardens when she got the chance. And oh boy was she a talker if I ever did see a golden who talked!!!!! She brought great joy into my life and I am forever grateful for having her in my life.
Losing my darling Angel to a very aggressive form of cancer just before Christmas... happened so suddenly. I was heartbroken. Angel, please know I loved you with every breath I took and will love you as long as I live.
~ Adopted, Loved and Deeply missed by Cindy

Panda Bear ~ August 30, 2021
You parted so quickly without warning. I wish we had time to say our goodbyes. You will be sorely missed Panda Bear.
~ Loved and Missed by Carol

Riley aka Wrigley ~ July 14, 2021
Riley was a wonderful dog for the 12 1/2 years we had together. He faithfully patrolled the backyard, announced visitors, broke up fights between the cats, fetched me when the babies (now kids) were crying, sat with me on the long nights the kids were sick or just not sleeping, and kept my feet warm. He was also my "get out of jail free card" for years. Oh, the kids are fussy? Sorry, have to walk the dog. Every day, I could get away by myself. Well, without children anyway.
I'm so thankful we adopted him. He was a wonderful friend and family dog.
~ Loved and Greatly missed by Amy & Family
Goliath ~ July 13, 2021
Goliath stood in the back of our SUV the whole 2 1/2 hour drive home the day we adopted him. When we got home and were getting ready to introduce him to Elsie, Goliath started whimpering to get out of the truck to meet her...she was a bit hesitant.
Once he became at ease with his new home of people and a younger female, Maremma, he took on a more discerning deep bark and I knew to pay attention when he barked (Elsie barks a lot more). |
Even though he was quieter in his last few months, the house seems sadly quiet without him around. Our time with our sweet Goliath was not long enough.
~ Loved &Dearly Missed by
the Markle Family |
Makenzie aka Kenzie ~ July 1, 2021
Makenzie blessed our lives for many years with her sweet and loving nature. We will miss our darling girl so very much.

~ Dearly Loved and Missed by Rick & Julie |

Maggie ~ April 6, 2021
We spent 10 wonderful years with our happy girl. She was absolutely the best! We will truly miss our sweet, adorable and happy Maggie girl.

~ Adopted, Loved & Dearly Missed by the Cantor Family |
Henry ~ March 21, 2021
Henry was so full of life and we loved him so much. He gave me such a gift and out of all my pets, we shared an incredible bond over the last few months. |
The day before he passed we went to ocean city and we think it may have been the first time he has ever seen the ocean.
Our hearts feel so broken. We loved him so much. He gave us the best gift and we miss him with all of our hearts.
Thank you for sharing him with us. He has changed our lives and for that we are so grateful.
~ Loved & Deeply Missed by Joan and David |
Freedom ~ March 2021
From the first time we met Freedom, he was endearing and there was an instant connection between him and our family. We'll miss watching you patiently stand by as you waited for the cat to finish her food you could lick the bowl. You were always respectful to people and other animals.
Freedom was very gentle and had a kind warm heart and we're sure he's in doggie heaven with our previous dog Blue. We told him to say hi to Blue for us.
He loved our family and we all loved him. He will always be remembered and dearly missed.
Thank You for another pet Almost Heaven.
~ Adopted, Love, & Greatly Missed by the Palffy Family |
Bleu ~ February 17, 2021
Sadly, while our time together was short, we took care of each other and loved each other. You were quirky, brave, loyal and handsome.
Bleu went through a lot in his life, but remained a sweet and endearing. He taught me to persevere despite hardship and to take each day as it comes.
As signs of spring appear, my sadness is almost unbearable, only soothed by knowing you could not fight much longer. I will miss him.
Thank you, Carol, for matching Bleu with me. It was a match made in heaven. |
~ Adopted, Loved & Dearly Missed by Barbara P. |
Jake ~ January 3, 2021
Jake was suppose to be transported to AHGRR,
and once we met him...he had a new home. How can you not love
a dog who runs to greet you the first time and puts his paws on
your shoulders?
Jake was a very special part of our family sharing
time with our first rescue, Morgan, and now, our sweet girl, Gypsy.
We miss you, Jake, and our long walks, sharing
the bed, your barks from the front porch when someone was walking
on "our sidewalk", and your joining us when dinner was served.
We are thankful and blessed for the time you were with us, but
relieved that you are no longer in pain and now running free.
We are so sad you are no longer with us and we
will all miss your carefree spirit.
~ Love Linda & Bob H. |

Gunner ~ January 17, 2021
It is with great sadness that AH alumni Gunner passed away
with his family by his side. He lived a great life and was undoubtedly
the greatest dog we've ever had. His greatest joy was being in
the pool. He was always the first one in as the cover was being
taken off and the last one out, even into the fall. He swam or
sat in the water, surveying his kingdom, every day.
With heavy hearts, The Taggart Family

Zoey ~ December 27, 2021
Zoey was the epitome of "golden retriever" when
playing fetch or tug with a ball. We will never know what her
young life was truly like that formed her total distrust of people....but
she taught us a lot and we will always remember our years with
~ Loved and Dearly missed by Carol

Daniel ~ November 21, 2020
We overcame a lot together....but we couldn't beat father time who took away your ability to walk. Run free now, Daniel. You have left a grand canyon sized hole in this old heart of mine.
~ Loved & Greatly Missed by Carol

Baron ~ November 18, 2020
Hoping Rainbow Bridge has mounds of dirt to dig
holes in and lots of scents for you to track....
You are very missed and will never be forgotten.
~ Deeply Loved & Missed by Carol

Daisy ~ October 20, 2020
Daisy was a joy and a great addition to our family!
She is very missed and will never be forgotten.
~ Adopted, Loved & Dearly Missed by Donna
& Family

Dixie ~ September 2020
In loving memory of Dixie - the gentlest, sweetest, happiest, pup we've ever had.
~ Adopted, Greatly Missed & Loved by the

Agnes "Aggie" ~ September 24, 2020
When you first arrived, we thought you would only be with us 6 months, but we were determined to make it the best 6 months of your life! But your spirit for life was amazing, you kept going and going. You loved going out in the yard, you'd find the only patch of dirt, get down and roll and roll. Later, you could only rub your head in the grass, but came in every morning looking like you had hair gel on. You were a silly character and loved your "night-night" cookies (some nights wrangling about 4 from me) and following me around until you finally trained me to go to the closet and get them for you. You were our baby and we miss you terribly.
~ Adopted and Dearly Loved by the Williamson's

Miss Shiloh ~ August 31, 2020
She was the sweetest girl, and just wanted
to be loved. She couldn't really run, but when she was happy
she would do a little hopping dance, hopping up and down on
her front legs. She was a happy sweet girl who learned cats
rule the house, but they were cozy to sleep with. These last
2 years she couldn't use steps but that didn't stop her from
enjoying life standing on the deck guarding 'her street' and
barking at vultures that show up on trash day in the neighborhood.
She was a little lady up to the very end and
such a rich blessing in our lives. Thank you for seeing her
shining gold all those years ago.
She and Mr Shadow both enriched our lives
for so many years (he was 10 1/2 when we adopted him from you,
and lived to age 17). She is now running and romping with Mr.
Shadow and herding all the other dogs. Thank you for creating
so much happiness and love in this world. |
Mr. Shadow
~ Adopted, Loved & Greatly Missed by
Sherry & Richard

Jack ~ July 8, 2020
You were a very special part of our lives for
many years. You will be greatly missed by all, especially us!
~ Adopted and Dearly Loved by Julie & CJ

Angel Baby ~ June 2020
Rest in Peace sweet Angel Baby.
~ Adopted, Loved & Greatly Missed by
Margaret B.

Colby ~ June 2020
At 16 1/2 years old Colby passed away at our
cottage, two feet from the shore of the lake with his favorite
toy by his side. You were a stereotypical golden - eager to
please, loved to play, and happy, happy, happy! We miss you
beyond words, but it helps knowing what a happy, long, and full
life you lived - loved by all! Thank you for coming into our
lives and the next dog we rescue will be another golden to honor
your place in the pack!
Adopted, Loved & Deeply Missed by Eric & David

Sprocket ~ June 11, 2020
Sprocket you will be missed more than
words... you run free. You're on your next big adventure❣
Until we meet again♡ ♡ ♡
~ Adopted, Loved & Dearly Missed
by Love John & Barb |

Cody ~ May 1, 2020
You've been with Almost Heaven a long time, sweet Cody. It
was heartbreaking having to say goodbye to you. It's so hard to
believe you're gone. You were much loved by everyone here and
your smiling face will be greatly missed.
Run free, dear Cody ~ |
See you at the Bridge.
~ Deeply Loved & Missed by Carol

Duke ~ April 2020
Duke was a beautiful, gentle golden retriever and a best friend. He enjoyed being outside and was a chatty boy who loved to be a part of the conversation! He is missed everyday and will always be in our hearts.
~ Adopted, Loved & Dearly Missed by Judy
& Peter D.

Sadie ~ April 22, 2020
Sadie was a good dog. When we fostered her,
she was the only dog my husband asked if we could keep since
they bonded on the first day. She loved my husband beyond measure
and never left his side. Sadie tried to protect her family from
all the animals on TV. I think she thought the TV was a window
to outside and they were going to come into the house. Sadie
always waited with her head on the window of the door keeping
watch for when we returned home. She was always happy in the
morning when we woke up and got so excited. Sadie will be greatly
missed. We are thankful we got to have her in our lives and
glad we did the Chemo since it gave us extra time.
~ Adopted, Loved & Greatly Missed by
Juanita & TJ

Ralphie ~ March 26, 2020
You were always a happy, tail wagging pup. Boy you left one heck of an imprint on our hearts!!
~ Adopted, Loved & Deeply Missed by the
Truiett Family

Bella ~ March 12, 2020
house is all of sudden bigger and not nearly as warm. We will
miss you greatly but bid a "See ya later good girl" to the sweetest
puppy girl ever. You made all of our lives vastly better. Hope
you are having fun with your brothers: Yogi, Mobley & Beau.
~ Adopted, Loved & Greatly Missed by Williams

Harvey ~ March 7, 2020
My friend of 14 years had the life of a king
and has left the largest hole in my heart.
~ Adopted, Loved & Dearly Missed by Deb

Agatha aka Aggie ~ January 25, 2020
Everyone who met Aggie fell in love with this
sweet, gentle soul who deserved so much better and so much more
in life.
~ Loved & Missed by Carol